Sunday, May 9, 2010

sometimes, it seems as though no one gets it...

...which is probably true. Although there are a select few, I'd say most do not...

Earlier this week, I asked a friend of mine how her vacation to the Carribean was, to which she replied, "better than your trip to Haiti! It was so relaxing and nice." Of course, I understand her reasoning... and I'm sure that her trip was "better" in the sense that she likely had heated running water and classy food and cush accommodations. But, somehow, it's come to be that I'd take a tent city in Port au Prince or an African slum over a Carribean cruise ANY day...

What is it about the third world that makes me feel so much more at home than in the States? I don't really know - my only answer is simply that I was made for it. But in an attempt to convey my love for the third world, I'll try to make it more clear.

I love the smell of the third world. Weird, I know. I remember not being so fond of this smell the first couple of times I was in Kenya. BO, burning trash, dirty animals, and cooking spices is not, I admit, a pleasant combination. And I discovered this smell is not limited to Africa, but also exists in the DR and Haiti (and the rest of the third world, I imagine)... and I love it. It's a constant, ever present reminder that my heart can rest, my soul can rejoice 'cuz I'm right where I'm supposed to be.

I love sketchy. I do. And all of the variables in the third world mean that it's just a tad sketchy almost all of the time, and I love that. I haven't always. But the third world just has so many adventures that you would never even imagine in the States. Often - to me, at least - it feels as though I get to do so much more living... but I suppose my definition of life is different than many others...

Somehow, it's come to be that I'm so much more at home in the third world...